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Compliance and Safety Committee
Mission and Goals: The Compliance and Membership Safety Standing Committee is responsible to develop and implement with Board of Governor approval, policies and procedures that will be circulated to the LHA Membership concerning parking on LHA property and utilization of the Beaches and the Lake. In addition, the Committee is responsible for water/boating safety and the safety on the Association’s roads/Passways

Chairperson: Sue Sonnati

What We Do: The committee follows a set of procedures for checking membership cards, parking passes, and
general compliance with Lake Harwinton Association ordinances (rules and regulations). The following are
Ordinances as they relate to use of the beaches and boating:

2-1 Association Beaches, Beach Parking areas, and the Island. The following rules govern the use of all
Association beaches and the island.

1. Proper bathing attire must be worn.
2. No animals permitted.
3. No alcoholic beverages permitted.
4. No smoking permitted.
5. No glass containers or other glass products permitted.
6. No motor vehicles.
7. No boats on beaches or in swimming areas.
8. No fishing while swimmers are present.
9. Launching of boats from beaches is prohibited.
10. A Membership Card must be in the possession of a member and/or guest and covers a maximum of 5
11. All beaches and the island close at sunset.
12. No jumping or diving off of bridges or any other structure located on Association property.
13. No loud music on the beaches, the island, or on the lake while boating

2-2 Membership Cards and Guests. Upon payment of Association taxes for the coming year (June 1-May 31), and
if all past taxes are paid, the treasurer shall issue a maximum of two membership cards and two parking passes to
the member for the ensuing season. When using the lake, beaches, or other LHA properties a member or guest shall
have in their possession a current Membership Card and prominently displayed parking pass in each member and/or
guest’s motor vehicle. Misuse of membership cards/parking passes or other violations (dogs on beach, smoking,
alcohol consumption, etc.) will be cause for the recall of Membership Cards by the treasurer or authorized agent of
the Association and will not be reissued to such member without a roll call vote of the Board of Governors.
Members and authorized agents of the Association have the authority to check membership cards and parking
passes. If an unauthorized person is on LHA property, or a member/guest is in violation of an existing ordinance and
refuses to cease and desist, the State Police may be contacted to rectify the situation.

2-6 Boat Requirements. Boats violating the following requirements are prohibited from the Lake:

a) No boats powered by internal combustion engines are allowed, except for emergency or authorized Lake
maintenance purposes.
b) Battery powered electric boat motors must not exceed the lesser of 2.25Kw or 3 hp rating total per boat.
c) Boats must be less than 20' long and less than 10' wide.
d) Prior to launching in the Lake after use in any other body of water, the boat must have been cleaned thoroughly
and dry for 72 hours, in order to prevent the introduction of foreign plant, animal, or microbial species.
e) When boats are not in use they must be pulled on shore, securely tied at the shoreline, or to a dock.
Members and guests are reminded to be respectful of the beach, lake and their fellow swimmers and boaters.
Boaters are reminded that it is the Policy of Lake Harwinton that:

When Boating, No Wake, For Safety Sake!
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